Federation of World Peace and Love

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

A culture of peace with love and conscience

Sustainability and co-prosperity as one world


Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze
Zhang-men-ren of Tai Ji Men
Vice President of the Association of World Citizens,
NGO in Consultative Status with ECOSOC and Associated with the UN DPI
President of the Federation of World Peace and Love
May 21, 2024



Distinguished guests, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, good day!

Culture is the sum of human civilization, carrying the life trajectories and wisdom crystallized through generations. High-quality culture can nurture a life of truth, goodness, and beauty for humanity. Cultural diversity is the heritage of human history, presenting a comprehensive manifestation of thoughts, education, aesthetics, arts, and daily life including cuisine, fashion, domicile, and activities developed under unique political, economic, and social environments of various ethnic groups.  When we approach cultures with an open mind, embracing differences with respect and inclusivity, we can foster understanding among different ethnic groups, and further appreciate and learn from each other's cultures. This is not only a manifesto of human rights but also the foundation for global sustainability.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 11 elaborates: Culture plays a crucial role. It makes cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Target 11.4 calls for strengthening efforts to protect and safeguard the world's cultural and natural heritage.  The promotion of culture is even more valuable. Through integration of extracted essence of tradition and modern elements, and innovation, culture can endure and rejuvenate. The beauty of culture enriches our soul and fosters love, peace, and hope. The most precious culture is the love and conscience of global citizens.

Over the past 58 years, I have led the Federation of World Peace and Love and the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy to traverse 103 countries worldwide at our own expense. Through cultural exchanges, I have interacted with people of different races and beliefs, promoting a culture of peace with love and conscience, fostering genuine friendships across borders. Along this journey, we 've learned about the beauty of different cultures and received many heartwarming responses. The diversity of cultures is the fabric of the vibrant world we live in today. The power of culture transcends language and racial barriers, sparking infinite possibilities and uniting people for a better future.

Looking around, nowadays the world is plagued with constant conflicts and wars. At this crucial moment, we need to be calm, discern right from wrong, and utilize the power of compassion with love and conscience, so that our decisions and actions best serve the greater good. The culture of peace with love and conscience is the quality culture most capable of integrating diverse cultures, promoting dialogue among people, while fostering coexistence and prosperity. With good culture comes good education; with good education comes a good economy; and with a good economy, peace and prosperity naturally follow.  A culture of love and peace is the foundation and conscience education is the root.   Everyone with positive thinking will be able to respect others and embraces different cultures. Together we will integrate the value of sustainable life. 



Culture fosters nations, peace endures through generations.

Conscience education brings forth sustainable true love.